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        METEORA                                               In the 14th century, another monk named Agenacious climbed on
        Meteora is in central Greece. Meteora is the highlight of my trip,   the 2nd highest rock to establish the first of the Meteora Monasteries;
        which takes a four-hour drive from Athens. I needed to psyche   the Great Meteora or Meteoron. He is regarded today as one of the
        myself, physically and mentally, as it required extensive hikes to the   most influential figures in the long history of Meteora monasteries.
        top of the rocks. It’s an iconic spot that is worth the long drive. It   He founded one of the most important monastic communities of the
        was not accessible by car, so all tourist buses and cars parked at the   Orthodox Church.
        lower base of the mountain and hiked through the paved streets and
        stairs to reach the monastery of choice. Some of the most prominent   By the 16th century, the number of monasteries in Meteora had
        pillars in Meteora, such as those on which the monasteries are built,   reached 24. The 16th century was by far the best period of the
        can range from approximately 400 meters (1,312 feet) to 600 meters   Meteora Monasteries. During that time, the largest population
        (1,969 feet). The rock formations in the monasteries are on top of the   of monks and the most significant number of monasteries were
        rocks and are spread on different rocks. The stones are a mixture of   active. Eventually, later in the 17th century, the downfall came, and
        sandstone and conglomerate. Remember that these are approximate   the Meteora Monasteries continually declined for the next three
        values, and the measurements can vary based on the specific location   centuries. Today, only six of the initial 24 monasteries survived and
        within the Meteora complex.                           remain active.

        Meteora has captivated the hearts of travelers and spiritual seekers   The list of the Monasteries of Meteora that remain open are the
        for centuries. Meteora provides an outstanding example of monastic   following six out of the twenty-four:
        tradition, which describes an exceptional stage in history, that of the   • The Great Meteoron
        14th and 15th centuries when the hermit ideals of Christianity were   • Monastery of Varlaam
        restored to a place of honor. Monastic life is life inside monasteries   • Monastery of Rousanou
        that are controlled or stringent by community rules that designate   • Monastery of St. Nicholas Anapausas
        the gender of the inhabitants and require them to remain celibate   • Monastery of the Holy Trinity
        and own minimal or no personal property. The social class in which   • Monastery of St. Stephen
        life inside a particular monastery is socially separate from the
        neighboring populace. Religious traditions authorize segregation.   THE GREAT METEORON Monastery was constructed on top of the
        Therefore, monastic community members may spend most of their   enormous “Platis lithos” or “Wide Rock,” with an area of more than
        time isolated.                                        50 acres and a height of more than 613 meters. The Monasteries of
                                                              Meteora are on top of natural sandstone rock pillars. What is most
        The predominant religion is Greek Orthodox. The word “Meteora”   amazing is that these rock pillars emerge in the middle of a valley.
        has its origins in the Greek language. It comes from the root   The monasteries are inaccessible (except St. Stephens), and most
        “meteoros”, which means “suspended in the air” or “hovering in the   require a severe hike and many stairs. The monks played a big part in
        heavens”. This name suits the stunning rock formation in central   building the monasteries. They had to hoist stones and materials to
        Greece, where monasteries rest atop towering sandstone pillars. The   the top of these rocks to keep them safe from invaders. This method
        term encapsulates the awe-inspiring and otherworldly appearance   of building monasteries is genuinely very primitive.
        of the rocks that seem to be suspended between earth and sky. The
        name Meteora reflects the natural and spiritual grandeur of the
        region, contributing to its mystique and allure.

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